The Dangerous about Swine Flu!

Maria, a friend of mine from Mexico City, has been very terrified, as she is afraid of being infected by the Swine Flu. For those that haven’t notice about this flu yet, it’s a influenza virus who almost similar with the “Avian influenza” and it can be contiguous among the swine (pigs).

Until now, there are over 149 cases have been reported in Mexico and the health authority worry that this statistic is going to steadily rising in the near future.

The even worse thing is Swine Flu has been claimed outbreak to other countries, including The U.S.A., Canada, Latin America, Europe and some Asian countries as well!

If you found out that you’re having some cold condition, you should heading to the doctor as soon as possible. And, it’s better to know more about the Swine Flu prevention, as the old saying, “Prevention is better than cure”!

Don’t Force Your Baby Learn to Walk Too Early!

Some of the parents want their baby to walk as soon as possible, as they thought the baby will be much healthier if they can walk in the early stage.

According to the natural laws of physical development of children, babies are best learn to walk after 11 months. For your information, most of the babies before 11 months are having a much fragile bones. If you forcing the baby to walk so quickly, it will cause both of the baby’s legs Bending or deformation. This will leave a deep life impact, soon after the baby is grown up!

Therefore, it’s better to let the those babies that below 11 months to have much crawling time, as this will enable the baby to train their legs and up for the walking challenge in the future…

PS: Figure thanks to jagannathinfotech.

Do Mind About The Way You Fall Off!

What’s your first reaction when you’re falling off onto the ground? Obviously, 90% of the people will use either their right or left palm to support themselves. You might think it’s the right thing to do it, but the truth is you’re having a higher percentage to injuring yourself!

For your information, in the couple of seconds when we’re falling, a chemical substance called “Adrenaline” will be produced from the adrenal gland. The responsibility of this hormone is for us to react with the suddenly happened dangerous situation, such as being chased by fierce dog, falling down from a high place and so on.

If you using the left or right palms to support all your body’s force, it will probably leading to a bone fracture!

Let’s take an example, when a football player has been tripping, he will mostly using his back of the shoulder to roll on the ground, the longer the better! This rolling process is to reduce the impact force.

Hence, you should learn the proper way and never use your palms to support your body’s force, once you’re falling down!

Cheap Medicines Didn’t Mean Useless!

People always said, “You got what you paid for!” If you’re paying less, then the goods are far less quality than those expensive stuffs!

Well, in this case, I have to say that the price of medicines is not totally related with the quality, but it depends on the:

1. Difficulty of collecting raw materials,
2. Ease of production technology,
3. The production size,
4. Scope and packaging.

In this case, the level of medicine efficacy and the quality cannot draw an equal sign at all. The most important thing of purchasing medicines is you don’t need to buy brandy types, but the type that can really work for you here!

Can Pumpkin Extract Really Heal Diabetes?

As a diabetic, I always trying my best to find the useful solution to overcome and control my high blood sugar level. I’ve tried many different types of foods and treatments before.

Recently, I found out that Asian pumpkin extract might help control type 1 diabetes, where is protect those pancreatic cells from the ravages of type 1 diabetes.

Believe it or not, the pumpkin extract claimed to revive diabetes-damaged pancreatic cells.

If you’re a diabetic like me, then it’s time to say goodbye to the artificial insulin and have a more healthy lifestyle with the pumpkin extract!

Note: Picture thanks to go-less.

Bottled Fruit Juices Are Not The Best Option For Children!

According to the latest scientific research, the nutritionists and scientists have discovered that children will have malnutrition problem, if they’re drinking too much of bottled fruit juices!

Most of the bottled fruit juices are lack of protein, minerals, fiber, Vitamin C, but contains a lot of carbohydrates and sugar. If the children intake it in a long period, then it might lead to the following symptoms:

1. Diarrhea,
2. Abdominal pain,
3. Abdominal distention,
4. Gastrectasia,
5. Gastroenteritis.

In fact, most bottled fruit juices are not 100% pure fruit juice at all, where is not even the top choice for the youngster.

To all beloved parents, you should not give any bottled fruit juices to your child who below 12-month-old. For those 1 – 6 years old children, you can give a small amount of 150 grams of fresh fruit juice (not the bottled fruit juices) daily.

Beware of The Germs That Hide inside the Overnight Water!

Most people are accustomed to brush teeth, wash faces, cooking or even drink the water directly from the tap. However, according to the latest study, the overnight tap has the big possibility of harboring a bacterium called “Legionella” (Yeah, it has the same name as the “Legion”, where it also known as the Gerasene Demon!)

If a person is infected with the Legionella Pneumophila bacteria, he/she will have a symptom similar to “pneumonia disease”. Most of the doctors often treat it as a pneumonia treatment, where it later found invalid in the end!

The patients will have these types of symptoms:

1. Chest pain;
2. Lethargy;
3. Irritability;
4. Depression;
5. Delirium Fuzzy;
6. Disorientation;
7. Central Nervous system symptoms;
8. Diarrhea;
9. Abdominal pain;
10. Nausea;
11. Vomiting;
12. Gastrointestinal diseases or even
13. Death!

For the precaution, you should screw the tap and let the water running through the tap in the early morning for at least 2 minutes (You can use the water for the toilet flushing purpose!), before you use the tap water!

You Shouldn’t Fasting Even You’re Having Diarrhea!

Some of the people prefer not to eat any foods during diarrhea and they thought it’s a good way to prevent the diarrhea. However, they’ve done the wrong things!

During the diarrhea, you should drink some diluted milk or some porridge to replace the ordinary meals. This method is to reduce the burden of gastrointestinal and provide the essential water that has been loss from your body due to the diarrhea.

Do you know that the diluted milk and porridge will form a protective shield and it can reduce the absorption of bacterial toxins. That is why for those that having diarrhea, you should intake the meals ordinary, instead of fasting!

You Should Stop to Breastfeed Your Baby On the Right Time!

Most of the surveys and researches have proofed that mother’s milk is the best nutrient for the newborn baby. However, for those 10 months old babies, the mother’s breast milk cannot be longer meet their nutritional requirements.

As the mother, you should reduce the frequency of breastfeed your child when they’re about 8 months old, and totally stop the action around 10 months old.

Remember that the weaning process is necessary and you should do it in the appropriate time and place.

Note: Picture credits goes to irishhealth.

Don’t Forget To Switch Off The Lights Tonight!

Hey guys, today is the holy day for Earth…

For your information, there’s over 1 billion people at 1,000 cities from all around the world are going to switch off the lights right on this 8:30 p.m.

If you do care about the global warming and ozone depletion, then it’s time for you to showing your concern.

Join us and switch off all the lights for 60 minutes (From 8:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m). We must have the faith and believe that “Together we can create a better world!”.

Remember one thing here, “An hour will make a big different!”…

You Should Eat More Fruits and Vegetables After The Postpartum!

According to the survey, it’s better to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, especially for those women that just having their delivery.

The fruits and vegetables are enriched with vitamins, textured vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, calcium, iron, iodine etc., and are necessary for the women to receive a large number of compressive nutrition.

Beside of eating fruits and vegetables, you also need to do more exercises to keep your body slimming down after the postnatal. If you’re too lazy to do any exercises, then you’re better prepared to become an overweight person…

What You Should Know about Confinement after Childbirth!

I’ve some friends from Asia and they seem to have a treatment after the childbirth, which know as “Confinement or Postpartum care.” Actually, I found that this is a very interesting topic…

From what I heard that during the confinement, the woman is disallowed to have even a single bath, as they think it will affect the woman’s health condition! Honestly, I thought it’s better to have some bath as soon as possible, as there are millions of germs will stick on our skin, if we didn’t bath for one day.

Well, I didn’t mean to against the culture, but I think no matter what you’re trying to do here, please remember to put the hygiene in the first place!

Try Not to Embrace Your Baby Too Often!

For those parents that love to embrace the sleeping child, you should stop this bad habit!

First and foremost, the child that being embraced will have the difficulty breathe of fresh air. In addition, once the child woke up, he/she will cry for the milk feeding and this can be a very bad habit to the child.

After the baby was born, it’s better to encourage the baby to sleep alone. Even those newborn babies should not be sleeping with his mother too!

According to the U.S. survey data, it shown that by let the baby sleeping alone; it can reduce up to 60% of sudden death. The more interesting is if the baby is sleeping too close with mother, he/she will have the chance being affected with a psychological disease, “Oedipus” which is not good for the child’s long term development!

Earth Hour – Have You Signed Up Yet?

To be honest, it’s my second time take part in this global event. As a human being, each of us has the responsibility to overcome the global warming matter…

Until now, there are more than 1,508 cities and town in 80 countries have already involved in the Earth Hour 2009. For those of you that haven’t sign up yet, please show your concern and sympathy to our Mother Earth right now.

Remember to switch off all your house’s lights from 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., this upcoming 28th March, 2009.

Together we can build a better Earth!

Watch the video and join our align ASAP...

To Write or Not To Write?

Hey guys, wow the time’s past through like the speed of lightning. It’s already March now… The spring is approaching by slowly and it’s on the corner right now, how about yours?

Ok, back to the topic. Although this is my second time I participated in Joanna Young’s group writing project, (I’ve done it before last year) but I still overexcited with it, as I didn’t have too much of chance to take part in group writing project (Maybe I’m just an Average Joe that can’t grab much attention from other people?! lol).

Talking about Writing Lessons, many of you here might probably have attended those writing lessons before, either in elementary school, junior high, senior high or college/university and so on…

Honestly, I’ve participated over twenty of writing lessons. I found some of them were very good, while the others were quite boring (Can you ever imagine the writing coach with hypnotize speaking voice? Yeah, it sounds like he/she going to put the sleeping spell on you!). Don’t misunderstand with it, as I’m still have big interest on writing, regardless about the small incidents on above…

Most of my readers said that I’ve done a great work with this blog (Thanks for all the continuing support, without yours my blog is nothing!). Some of them have given me some suggestions, such as changing the header banner (Well, I’ll think about it), change the blog’s template and even change up my mind (Sorry, in this case, I can’t do it! lol).

Let me telling the truth. After years of blogging and writing, I’ve learned some very valuable lessons from the community and there are:

1. Courage to speak out the truth;
2. Confidence to write the useful articles; and
3. Commitment to give the best to the readers!

If you always keeping the above 3Cs on your mind, then you’ll be able to become a fantastic writer in someday for sure. Remember the old saying, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration!”

My friends always asked me, “Wilson, what’s your secret that keeps you writing on and on?” I’ll probably say, “Well, guess what! I’ve no secret at all and I only doing the thing I loved to do! ”

Therefore, either “to write or not to write” is mostly up to you here, my friends…

Until then, Good luck with your writing!

To All Mother: You Should Choose the Infant Milk Carefully!

Some women that undergoing the postnatal stage, usually don’t want to feed their child with the breast milk and they replace it with the fresh dairy milk.

If you’re one of them, then you should know that the fresh milk contains too much protein and phosphorus, but lack in iron and folic acid. This will lead to the indigestion or the deficiency of iron and folic acid to the baby.

Instead of feeding the infant fresh milk, you’re better choose the baby infant formula milk, which is based on the ration of physical characteristics. It is more easily to be digested and absorbed by the baby!

Also, up to 80% of the newborn babies are totally allergic to the fresh milk protein and they’ll having diarrhea, slowly weight gaining problem or even abdominal pain if you’re insist to feed the baby with fresh milk.

My Nephew’s Tooth Pain Story!

Everyone might have been through many different types of pains before, such as stomachache, headache and so on. Amongst the pains, I must say that the tooth pain is the most torturing type!

We’re been kids before, and most of us have many great and unforgettable memory during childhood. Well, in this case, it’s not with my 9 years old nephew, Matthew.

For your information, he loves all those sweets things: Candies, cookies, cupcakes, marshmallows, Lollipop and much more. Matthew has a bad habit, where he don’t like to brush his teeth day and night! As an uncle, I always advised him not to eat too much of sweets, or he will suffering the pain in the end. Unfortunately, he didn’t listen my advice at all…

Everything seems to be fined until two days ago, he was crying so loudly. His mother asked him what is going on; he said he has tooth pain! His mother told me about the matter and I brought him into the nearest dental clinic.

When he’s arriving in front the dental clinic, he was shouting like a crazy person and I’m very embarrassed about this incident. However, I still need to do my duty and take him inside the clinic. After about a few minutes of waiting, a lovely nurse came out and called Matthew’s name. Then, I took him into the room.

In this moment, Matthew was nearly scared to death and his whole body was trembling like earthquake! At that moment, I was a little bit anxious about Matthew’s condition and I’m suggested to take him away from the room. The dentist immediately stopped my action and told me to calm down. He said that Matthew might have what they called, “Dental Phobia’, where is a misnomer. This “dental phobia” is happening to about 15% of all Americans.

I think the dentist is a very nice person, as he has tried to keep Matthew calm down with his funny jokes. And, it’s very useful indeed! During the treatment, the dentist reminds Matthew and me the correct ways on how to practice the dental care in our daily life.

Beside that, he also told me that dental hygiene is very important, as the tooth pain and gum diseases not only harmful our oral, but it can cause some serious health problems, such as cardiovascular diseases and strokes to the person that neglected the oral care!

After spending two hours of time at the dental clinic, we’re heading back to home. When we arrived at home, Matthew promised me that he would take a good care on his teeth, as he don’t want to have tooth pain anymore!

Way to go, Matt. I’m very proud of you, and hope you’ll keep your promise.

PS: Picture credits goes to businessweek.

Pregnant Women Shouldn’t Eat Too Many Eggs!

Medical research discovered that excessive protein intake would increase the burden on the kidneys. As a result, the pregnant women are being advised not to intake too many eggs, especially during the birth delivery. It is because this will decrease the detoxification function of the liver and causing too much burden to the kidney. It will lead to adverse consequences if the pregnant women insist to do it!

Beside that, too much of protein intake will produce a large amount of ammonia, hydroxyl and phenol, where these chemicals are mostly poison to human body. If you’ve been poisoned by the protein, you’ll having the nausea, dizziness, limb weakness or even coma! The modern medicine named these symptoms as “Protein Poisoning Symptoms!”

Therefore, you should always watched out with the protein intake and never overdone it. For the normal circumstances, one to two eggs per day is more than enough for the pregnant women!

Mind About the Soup’s Boiling Time!

Some people said that the longer the soup is being boiled, the more nutritious it would be! Ok, it’s only the general idea from the public. The even worst thing is most of us were totally wrong on about it!

According to the latest studies, the time is not the main factor where the soup will become more nutritious, instead the longer the soup is being boiled, and then the higher chances all the vitamins that contain inside the vegetables or poultry will be destroyed!

Hence, remember not to boil the soup for too long, if you want to keep all the nutrition in the soup. A suggestion here: The normal ABC soup is ready to reserve, after you’ve boiled it for about 2 hours!

Maintain Your Cholesterol in Healthy Level!

Many people are worried that high cholesterol can harm their health, but they don’t know if the cholesterol level is too low, it can also lead to a series of adverse consequences too!

For your information, the cholesterol in human body is being produced from these two ways:

Firstly, it absorbs all the animal or vegetable fats from what we have eaten. It can absorb about 30% of the fat from the foods!
Secondly, there is about 1 gram of cholesterol being synthesized from the liver each day.

Cholesterol can play a very important role in our body. It’s the essential parts for brain, hearth, liver, kidney and other internal organs. Cholesterol is the main component of sex hormones and adrenal hormones, where these hormones cannot be separated from the metabolism of cholesterol.

According to the scientists, low cholesterol can be induced stroke, heart diseases and even different types of cancers!

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