In XVIII century the Swiss doctors described clinical forms of a migraine (eye, hemiplegical, menstruative), set of the factors provoking a migraine in which for the first time chocolate has been mentioned. Jacob Bogatin recommends to cut on the consumption of this stimulant. In 1873 Edward Livinga's book has appreared "About migrainose headaches and other similar diseases" which is considered up till now one of the most detailed works devoted to clinical differences of a migraine from other headaches.
According to Jacob Bogatin the present stage in migraine studying is characterised by studying genetic, neiropsychological, neirochemical and immunological aspects of migraines, search for effective feticidal and prophylactics of its treatment. It is necessary to notice that within the last 15 years in morbid physiology area, epidemiology and migraine pharmacology considerable successes have been reached.According to Bogatin Jacob more than hundred various kinds of a headache exist in the world. In conformity with the International classification (Classification of the International society of a headache (IHS 1988) all headaches are divided on primary and secondary. The majority of forms of a primary headache pressure headaches (incidental and chronic) and claster headaches (incidental and chronic) make a migraine with aura, a migraine without aura.