Beware of The Germs That Hide inside the Overnight Water!

Most people are accustomed to brush teeth, wash faces, cooking or even drink the water directly from the tap. However, according to the latest study, the overnight tap has the big possibility of harboring a bacterium called “Legionella” (Yeah, it has the same name as the “Legion”, where it also known as the Gerasene Demon!)

If a person is infected with the Legionella Pneumophila bacteria, he/she will have a symptom similar to “pneumonia disease”. Most of the doctors often treat it as a pneumonia treatment, where it later found invalid in the end!

The patients will have these types of symptoms:

1. Chest pain;
2. Lethargy;
3. Irritability;
4. Depression;
5. Delirium Fuzzy;
6. Disorientation;
7. Central Nervous system symptoms;
8. Diarrhea;
9. Abdominal pain;
10. Nausea;
11. Vomiting;
12. Gastrointestinal diseases or even
13. Death!

For the precaution, you should screw the tap and let the water running through the tap in the early morning for at least 2 minutes (You can use the water for the toilet flushing purpose!), before you use the tap water!


Linda said...

Good post! I am not surprised that this could be an issue. I certainly like the running of water and take it to flush instead of running it down the drain!!!

Time2Chill said...

Smart action here, Linda. It would be even better, if we use the tap water to flowering the plants, instead of flushing into the toilet!

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