Showing posts with label lifestyles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyles. Show all posts

Your Home Should Be a Comfortable Living Place!

Living in the 21st century is a very tough challenge, you will not only need to face with all the daily manners but we also need to risk ourselves for not being effected by the rapidly change consequences.

Have you ever heard of the “Building Biology” concept before? It’s a pseudoscientific activity, which it used to investigate the indoor living environment for a variety of irritants. There are two major areas that have a great affects to our living place environment are indoor air quality and electromagnetic fields.

A house that is considering has a great indoor air quality must pass the following criteria:

  1. The volume of fresh air indoors
  2. The amount of volatile organic components
  3. The quantity of dust content
  4. The frequently uses of Aeroallergens and bioaerosols
  5. The Airflow, temperature and relative humidity

Therefore, it’s your main responsibility to build up a contemporary living room with the contemporary furniture to increase the airflow and having a good air quality in your house!

Some people will prefer leather sofa as their living room furniture, as they think there are many advantages than disadvantage. The reasons why they chosen the leather sofa because it’s easier to be cleaned up, it’s looked stylish and smells good. Some of them even said that the leather sofa is the most luxurious furniture pieces of art and it can be used as a home decoration in home.

We should remember one thing here that the modern furniture will not only lighten up your house and turning your home into a more stylish living place, but it can help you to create a better living place to you and your loved ones!

Healthy Vacuum Cleaners Will Give Your A Healthier Life!

Are you and allergy or asthma sufferer? Are you concerned about the air quality in your home or Indoor Air Pollution. Many people find it, not only desirable, but necessary to take steps to keep the air clean in their homes. Many people use those HEPA filtration units we've all heard so much about. Other use a high quality filter in the air conditioner, which basically turns the central air conditioning system into a giant filtration unit.

But, What about the vacuum cleaner. Dirt, dust, pet dander, and allergens build up in the carpet very quickly. If you sit for a minute and think about all the things your family and guests are bringing in on their shoes, and distributing on your carpet, you may realize that your carpet just may be the filthiest are in your home. If you use a standard vacuum cleaner, you're actually pulling all these contaminants out of the carpet and redistributing into the air you breath.
The right vacuum cleaner can and will prevent this.

There are several vacuum cleaners which use various means to keep the air clean. Dyson vacuums are specially designed with pet owners and allergy sufferers in mind. Dyson uses their own patented Root Cyclone technology to insure full suction power even as the dust bin fills. This helps to insure that all areas are just as clean as the others. In addition, Dyson uses HEPA filtration to remove 99.9% of dust and microscopic allergens through the exhaust. Dyson even took it a step further by designing a hands-free dust bin, so you can easily dump the dirt without having to dig it out and thus redistributing the dust back into the air.

There are several other vacuums which use HEPA filtration, but what consumers need to know is that these filters require that the vacuum have powerful suction and exhaust in order for the filter to work properly. If you're not willing to spend the $500+ on a Dyson, be sure to get a vacuum that has powerful motor and great suction. Hoover is another vacuum cleaner which uses HEPA filtration and is highly rated by consumers for powerful carpet cleaning.

If you simply must stick with a cheaper model, there is an alternative. Manufacturers have developed high quality vacuum filtration bags for just about every vacuum cleaner on the market. This filter bags do actually work and they are very affordable. The Filtrete line of filter bags are actually rated to clean the air just as well as a HEPA filter and may even work better, and will save you from having to buy a new vacuum. Whatever your situation, take to time to look at your options. If you want to reduce indoor air pollution, allergies, and to just breath cleaner air, there is a solution out there that fits your needs.

The Key of Healthy Lifestyle - Eat According to Your Blood Type (Part Five)

I’ve decided to add another new part five thread, and we will discuss about the foods that all blood types can benefit with…

Ta-da, below here is the foods, which suitable for all blood types:

  1. Green cauliflower (Good antioxidant)
  2. Mustard cabbage (heal the bruises)
  3. Olive oil (anti cancer and anti fat)
  4. Rose flower tea (strengthen your heart, but it is not suitable for those that having a serious constipation problem)
  5. Ginger tea (stop the vomiting, replenish your body’s natural moisture and also good for constipation as well)
  6. Green tea and grape (best energy supplier/rejuvenate method)
  7. Kiwi fruit and pineapple (prevent the constipation)
  8. Garlic (natural antibiotic)
  9. Trout and Sardine (enriched with nutrition)

That’s all, hopefully this health guide will benefits you all!

The Key of Healthy Lifestyle - Eat According to Your Blood Type (Part Four)

First of all, thanks for following this thread from the very beginning to the last.

I’m really appreciated for all of your supports, without you guys my blog is totally nothing…

Ok, let’s continue the last but not the least blood type, the AB blood type.

AB Blood Type

This is a very unique blood type, which it combined the two different blood types (A and B) and become a new AB blood type. Those peoples with AB blood type can, either enjoy eating vegetarian like A blood type, or they also can choose to consume the meats/seafood like B blood type.

There always the pros and cons for one matter. The AB blood type peoples also have to learn the effective relaxation methods and this for prevent the emotional illness happens to them.

In addition to the emotional illness matter, AB blood type person also has a weaker immune system than other blood types. For this solution, they need to consume many vegetables/fruits for strengthen their immunity.

Those foods that good for B blood type peoples:

Meat types: mutton, rabbit meat, turkey.

Vegetables: cabbage, cucumber, tapioca, seaweed, eggplant, yam, mushroom.

Fruits: cherry, fig, plum, grapefruit, lemon, pineapple (the best digestant for AB blood type).

Beverages: ginseng tea, Murdock tea, dandelion tea, hot lemon tea, grape juice, papaya juice.

Those foods that need to be avoided by B blood type peoples:

Meat types: chicken, duck, goose, bacon, ham (All type of poultry).

Vegetables: corn, carrot, black olive, bean sprout, artichoke.

Fruits: guava, banana, orange, coconut, starfruit, mango.

Beverages: aloe vera tea, orange juice, red tea, coca-cola, diet coke, ice cream soda.

Note: Wait, there still an extra part five for it, you’re better watch out…

The Key of Healthy Lifestyle - Eat According to Your Blood Type (Part Three)

Today, we are going to reveal the secret mask of another blood type

Please do pay attention here, if you’re the person with ‘B’ blood type.

B Blood Type

It had been known as the Earth third genetic blood type. Most of the B blood type peoples are majority the nomads, which change their living place frequently from time to time.

Therefore, this blood type had been adapted into a more tolerant and powerful digestive system than O and A blood types can be.

Another interesting fact about this B blood type person is they is the only blood type, which able to digest the dairy products and benefits from it totally! That is why; the B blood type peoples should use this advantage to get more nutrients from the dairy products.

Those foods that good for B blood type peoples:

Meat types: mutton, deer meat, rabbit meat (It can help you reduces the tiredness and increase your immunity, if you consumes several times in a week).

Vegetables: Chives, green pepper, red pepper, tapioca, yam, eggplant, mushroom.

Fruits: banana, papaya, pineapple, plum.

Beverages: ginseng tea, liquorices tea, peppermint tea, all kinds of fruit juices (except the tomato juice).

Those foods that need to be avoided by B blood type peoples:

Meat types: The B blood type peoples are advise to avoid consuming too much of poultry. They will have the high risk of getting stroke, if they consume the chicken meats occasionally in their daily life!

Vegetables: tomato (Causes upset in your stomach), corn, olive, bean sprout, artichoke, pumpkin.

Fruits: avocado, coconut, persimmon, guava, star fruit.

Beverages: aloe vera tea, tomato juice, soda, all carbonated drinks.

Note: Wait for the last part…Part 4

The Key of Healthy Lifestyle - Eat According to Your Blood Type (Part Three)

We continued with the previous unfinished blood types topic…

Today, we will discuss another blood type, which is…

A blood type

Being recognized as the world second genetic blood type. The human races no more live in the cavern, in fact, they had started to cultivate and developed the agriculture industry.

A more sensitive and vegetable/fruits tolerant digestive system had been slowly evolved in this period. This type of blood has stronger antibody system as well.

Those peoples with A blood type are typically more suitable as a vegetarian, too much of meat consuming will lead to the tumors/cancers. They are recommended to consume at least 5-6 servings of fruits everyday for their own good.

Those foods that good for A blood type peoples:

Meat types: No typical type for it.

Vegetables: all types of vegetable (almost 95%); such as chives, carrots, celery, radish, asparagus, cauliflower, mushroom, shallot, watercress, beet, green pepper, red pepper, chili, coriander, cucumber, green bean, pea, lettuce.

Fruits: all type of fruits, such as fig, pineapple, grapefruit, lemon, black dates, almond, cherry, plum, cashew.

Beverages: ginseng tea, wheat grass tea, aloe vera tea, green tea, hot lemon juice, carrot juice, watermelon juice, red grape wine, chive juice.

Those foods that need to be avoided by A blood type peoples:

Meat types: almost all type of meats, especially raw meats (sushi), bacon, ham, hotdogs etc. Still, it’s ok for you to consume the fish’s meat.

Vegetables: olive, tomato, potato, yam, eggplant.

Fruits: banana, coconut, honey-dew melon, mango, papaya, orange.

Beverages: orange juice, papaya juice, tomato juice, beer, red tea, all types of coca-cola, soda.

Note: Stay tuned for the Part 3…

The Key of Healthy Lifestyle - Eat According to Your Blood Type (Part Two)

What is the connection in between the foods and blood types?

Do you know that the blood types evolved with the fission/rapid changes of genetic, since our great grand ancestors existing million years ago?

The genetic codes playing the important role in our daily dietary, as its will greatly influent our healthy condition, if we intake the wrong foods that doesn’t matched with our blood types.

Blood type also determine as:

1. The secret key indicator of your body chemistry,
2. The ways your digestion system absorb food’s nutrients,
3. The susceptibility/tolerance to the different kinds of illness,
4. The ways your body/mental handles with stress!

Let’s cut the long story short and here we go now…

O blood type
This is the human race first genetic blood type. The most primitive human or also known as “Cavemen”, usually live in cavern and their mostly hunted animals or fishes for main meals.

Although those peoples with this type of blood is a genetically natural meat eater, but they still need to do exercises regularly and consumes suitable amount of vegetable/fruits. If you followed the above steps, the risk of being stroke will be decreased.

Those foods that good for O blood type peoples:

Meat types: beef, mutton, deer, animal’s heart, animal’s liver (geese liver or in French, ‘Foie Gras’)

Vegetables: escarole, onion, chives, spinach, pumpkin, celery, seaweed (kelp), red pepper, ficus tikaua, romaine.

Fruits: plum, fig, black dates.

Beverages: peppermint/spearmint tea, dandelion tea, pineapple juice, blackcurrant juice, black dates juice, Sarsi.

Those foods that need to be avoided by O blood type peoples:

Meat types: pork, bacon, ham.

Vegetables: cabbage, white broccoli, sweet corn, mustard, potato, eggplant, long napa.

Fruits: coconut, honey-dew melon, orange, banana, blackberry, lychee, avocado.

Beverages: aloe vera tea, apple juice, cauliflower juice, orange juice, coffee, soda.

Note: To be continued…Part 2

The Key of Healthy Lifestyle - Eat According to Your Blood Type (Introduction)

First and foremost, are you "eats for survive" or "survive for eats"?

No matter what is your choice, we still need to consume different type of foods daily. Although we can find assorted vitamins and minerals inside the foods, this doesn't means the foods might suitable for everyone...

For overcome the above matter, the U.S FDA department propose that a new formula health care dietary concept named "Eat According to Your Blood Type". The FDA had approved this method and it is a recommendation for those peoples that want to achieve the optimum health lifestyle.

Do you want to reveal the secret of this mystery formula?

Then, you need to follow up my blog more frequently and unveil it yourself...

The Art of Water Drinking

Most of us love to drink a lot of water after our meal. We thought by this way, it will help and fasten the digestion in our stomach.

If you also have the same thought, then you deserve to have this "BEEP" for wrong sound (Man, this kind of feeling made me thinking about the game

Plenty of water after your meal not only will decrease the digestion of food in your stomach, but its also will become a main causes of "Heartburn" as well!

According to the survey, most of the heartburn patients will instantly feel the heartburn effect, once they drink water after their meal. That's why, if you didn't want this Heartburn disease become a "closer friend" with you, then you need to change the habit.

Some of the experts advised those heartburn patients, only drinks water after two to three hours, and they must drink about 100ml to 150 ml each time. By this way, it can efficiently reduce the heartburn side effect.

Beside that, there are still some useful suggestions:

  • When you having your meal - is better or completely do not drink water.
  • After consuming fruits and vegetables - Only drink water after half an hour.
  • After consuming carbohydrate products - Drink water after one to two hours.
  • After consuming high protein products - It is better to drink water after two hours.

You cannot resists the lemonade and want to drink it right away? Then, you better drink it 45 minutes before your main meal. This to ensure your digestion system won't stirred up with the icy and tasty lemonade, yum yum...

PS: Photo "Glass of Water" credits thanks to compassionate-news.

Use Both Animal and Vegetable Oils For a Healthier Life

We have generally thought that taking animals fat/oil in long term will causing artery coronary heart diseases and obesity. That's why, most of the peoples only consume vegetables oil for healthy purposes.

However, this isn't a true fact and let's me tell you the reason...

Animals oil/fat except fish oil, enriched with Saturated Fatty Acid (SFA). If we consumed too much of SFA, the SFA will transform into a blockage and causing the arteriosclerosis obliterans disease. In other hand, this component is an essential components that been known can effectively prevent the hypertension and transient ischemic attack as well.

If we just consumed the vegetables oil, the antioxidant inside the oil will rapidly emerge with our body's protein and turned into "Lipofuscin", which its a component will speed up the aging problem. Furthermore, the overdose of antioxidant in our body will increase the rate of having primary mediastinal tumor and colon cancer as well!

The correct and proper use of the animals and vegetables oil, would be in 10 (vegetables oil):7 (animals oil) fraction. Why? It is because animals oil contains Saturated Fatty Acid, while vegetables oil mainly consists of Unsaturated Fatty Acid. By this combination, we can almost prevent all kind of hearts, arteries and cancers related diseases...

So, make a change today for a healthier lifestyles. :)

Music – The Best Immunity for Diseases

Music is one of the common hobbies for human being, especially in nowadays. Did you know, music could also be use to cure certain psychology related diseases as well?

A team of well-known immunologists from Finland discovered, our body become healthier than other people do, if we listening to music from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. every night.

Those psychologists found out that this 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. is the golden time for our body immunity system. We need to fully relax our mind and body in this time period, any types of aggressive activities will seriously affected the efficiency of immunity system.

The strength of immunity defense system will immensely boost up, when we situated in a relaxing environment.

During the time we turned on some music, it starts to release myriad of β-wave into the air. The β-wave will stimulate the pituitary gland or hypophysis that located at the base of our brain and help regulate the immunity system effectiveness.

I’m known that you want to try this method right now, but wait a second! Not all kind of music is suitable to be listened in this golden period. Immunologists uncovered that classical, contemporary, Indies, soft rock, soul and pop music can significantly help to calm down our anxiety and stress.

Another stupendous fact about listening music at golden time is those peoples that used to listen to music at least 1 hour per day will prolong their life span up to three years!

Therefore, from now on, you have a better excuse to listening music particularly around 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.

PS: Photo credits from Iryna Kurhan

Mind Your Car Plates

Car number plate is the necessary thing for a car. It is also a main icon for a car. Most of the peoples will have their first glance at your cars number plates first, rather than other parts of the car.

The personalised number plate will be important to ensure your cars has registered legally under the National Transportation Department. There are many illegal activities that involving cars smuggling across worldwide, so this registration process is a must and credential.

Be a good citizen and report those cars that did not have a proper car number plates to the authority if you seen it.

Better Give Up Your Bad Habits

One of the well-known U.S. University has done a survey about the health condition of the China's high schools students. Those questions that asking in the survey is:

• sleeping mode (include the sleeping disorder or insomnia)
• smokers or non-smokers,
• drinking habits,
• personal attitude and emotion,
• daily life pressure and
• family issues.

The result of this survey indicated, the main reason for those teenagers that sleep less than 8 hours per day, always having nightmares or facing the sleeping disorder or insomnia problem, is it related with bad drinking habits and smoking addict.

The researchers also discovered that the one person sleeping quality, also will affected not only psychical and mental condition, but also their psychology and productivity as well.

The conclusion for the survey: if you want to have a healthy lifestyle, try to stay away from smoking and alcohol, as these two things will get your life become miserable.

Vegetables Portrait Part 1

Have you ever wonder, that the vegetables and fruits can be used to make a magnificent portrait?

If you haven't see its before, then you can check this awesome and incredible 'Vegetables Portrait' at my blog site...

PS: You can also tell me, what can you see at the below portrait as well...

The Key of Healthy Lifestyle - Eat According to Your Blood Type (Part 2)

We continued with the previous unfinished blood types topic…

Today, we will discuss another blood type, which is…

A blood type

Being recognized as the world second genetic blood type. The human races no more live in the cavern, in fact, they had started to cultivate and developed the agriculture industry.

A more sensitive and vegetable/fruits tolerant digestive system had been slowly evolved in this period. This type of blood has stronger antibody system as well.

Those peoples with A blood types are typically more suitable as a vegetarian, too much of meat consuming will leads to the tumors/cancers. They are recommended to consume at least 5-6 servings of fruits everyday for their own good.

Those foods that good for A blood type peoples:

Meat types: No typical type for it.

Vegetables: all types of vegetable (almost 95%); such as chives, carrots, celery, radish, asparagus, cauliflower, mushroom, shallot, watercress, beet, green pepper, red pepper, chili, coriander, cucumber, green bean, pea, lettuce.

Fruits: all type of fruits, such as fig, pineapple, grapefruit, lemon, black dates, almond, cherry, plum, cashew.

Beverages: ginseng tea, wheat grass tea, aloe vera tea, green tea, hot lemon juice, carrot juice, watermelon juice, red grape wine, chive juice.

Those foods that need to be avoided by A blood type peoples:

Meat types: almost all type of meats, especially raw meats (sushi), bacon, ham, hotdogs etc. Still, it’s ok for you to consume the fish’s meat.

Vegetables: olive, tomato, potato, yam, eggplant.

Fruits: banana, coconut, honey-dew melon, mango, papaya, orange.

Beverages: orange juice, papaya juice, tomato juice, beer, red tea, all types of coca-cola, soda.

Note: Stay tuned for the Part 3…

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