Showing posts with label Daily Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Tips. Show all posts

Protect Your Lip From Getting Dry with The Lip Balm!

Our lips will become dry very easily, especially in the hot and dry weather. Some of the people used to use licking their lips with the tongue. They thought it can moisturize the lip a little bit, but they didn’t know it’s a very wrong way to do it!

Why? It is because the saliva is secreted by the salivary glands, which it contain some starch substance inside it. Thus, it makes the saliva a little bit sticky. If you insist to licking your lips with the saliva, it will become drier after the saliva has been evaporated!

Thus, it is better to use the lip balm to protect your lip from getting dry, rather with the saliva!

What is Hemorrhoids and The Ways to Overcome it!

There are hemorrhoids symptoms that exist in half of the adult population that we have nowadays but not many are comfortable talking about it in the public.

Hemorrhoids are common among pregnant women due to the extra pressure and added weight of their fetus on the rectal area. Learn about the symptoms of hemorrhoids so that you can get the treatment before it gets serious.

Here are some tips for your hemorrhoids treatment. Apply ice packs and topical cream on infected area. Your doctor might even recommend you to get oral medication consist of supplements, vitamin E and works to reduce the inflammation on the infected area.

You can prevent yourself from getting Hemorrhoids by taking more fruits, whole grains and vegetables everyday. Spend some time to exercise and reduce the stress in your system because a healthy body will usually have higher resistance against this sickness.

You don't have to suffer in silence if you suffer hemorrhoids. Do your research online and the hemorrhoids treatment that might be suitable for you.

There might be rare cases where the doctor will have to conduct hemeroidectemy as the solution to remove the swelling. But you should consult your doctor for long term treatment advice.

Never Drink Beers If You’re Having The Seafood!

Go figure, you’re now sitting in the seafood restaurant beside the seaside, watching the sunset and feeling the refreshment sea breeze...You’re about to have a wonderful and mouth-watering seafood with the beers…Stop right there!

Do you know if you’re having the seafood and beer at the same time, you might risk yourself in getting the gout here!

Seafood is to be known as the food that rich in Purine, which it’s a substance that can cause many metabolic disorder and diseases. Thus, when you’re enjoyed yourself with the seafood and beer, it will lead to the increasing of uric acid and triggering the gout!

Beside that, if your body contains too much of uric acid, you might also have the chance of getting the kidney stones and Uremia as well! Therefore, you’d better watch out with what you’re gonna to eat here!

Your Children Are Allergy with Egg Products?

If you’re having a child that allergy with the egg products, then you should consider letting he/she consumes the cake!

According to the George N. Konstantinou, a professor from the University of Athens, shown that the children will adapt themselves to accept the egg products slowly, by simply let them consuming more and more cake in a period.

Beside that, the research group, which was lead by Professor Konstantinou, has shown that those children that being involved in the experiment can withstand the egg products inside the cakes after six month of treatment, and the successful rate is over 90%! This successful story has also been recorded down in the “Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology” and has been published in the internet earlier.

However, the parents are advised not to carry out this test at home, and it should be done under the supervision of nutritionists or doctors!

Too Much of Ice Cream Will Award You a Gift – Migraine!

What can be better than having some cool and icy ice cream in the middle of hot summer?
Yeah, this is absolutely the best option here to cool down the body heat…

However, you have to limit the quantity of taking too much of ice cream, as if you don’t, you might have the risk of become the next “ice cream headache” patient!

You must be wondered, what is the heck of this “Ice cream headache”? Well, this is a common phenomena, where you cram too much of ice cream into the roof of your mouth. The migraine can be lasted from several seconds to hours, where the people will feel it deep in the front of the head and might want to get explode soon!

Most of the Doctors said that is better to have warm water to cool down the body heat. OK, I guessed is time to bid farewell to the ice cream, if you do concern of your health!

The Untold Benefits of Eating Fruits Before Your Meals!

Most of us thought that it is a right and healthy habits to enjoy the fruits after our main meal. Beep, you’re terribly wrong about this eating habits as this is the bad habits and will only ruins your health here (Well, do you know that this habit also lead to the overweight or obesity problem to be occurred?)

On the contrary, you’re supposed to eat fruits before the meals, which you’ll get more advantages from it!

For your information, after you have enjoyed the meal, the food will stay at least 2-3 hours inside the stomach, as it need to go through the digestive process. Thus, if you eat fruits after the meal, it will cause the digestive disorders to be occurred.

Therefore, you should eat fruits before your meal, and it’s even better if you can eat them an hour before the main meal!

The Kelp Can Help Boost Up The Basal Metabolic Rate!

The Kelp, which is one of the species of seaweed and it can be found easily on rocky shores all around the world. It is one of the healthy natural food sources that good for your health.

With over 70 minerals, growth hormones, vitamins, enzymes and proteins inside it, the Kelp is a miracle gift from the sea that you cannot ignored!

According to the previous study researches, it has shown that by simply taking a kelp supplement can really help you to stay healthy throughout the year!

Below here are some of the benefits of kelp:

  1. It can help to relief the arthritis pain
  2. It can help to boost up your energy/metabolic level
  3. It strengthens the immunity system
  4. It can efficiently improve the liver function and help the detoxification process
  5. It can prevent the heart diseases
  6. It can fight against the cancer
  7. It can also used to suppress the AIDS
  8. It can also be used as the weight loss supplement
  9. It can be used to treat the thyroid problem, since kelp is rich in Iodine
  10. It can improve the poor digestion
  11. It can prevent the constipation
  12. It also helps to lower the bad LDL cholesterol level
  13. It also works for reduce the hair loss problem

So, now you can see the benefits of this kelp? Therefore, it’s wise to apply the kelp into your daily meals frequently, if you want to have a healthier lifestyle!

Note: Picture credits goes to spaflyer.

The Fruits Cannot Be Used As Your Daily Meals!

Do you know that a healthy adult needs at least 50 kinds of different nutrients to keep survive. We need more than100 grams of carbohydrates, 65 grams of protein, and 20 grams of fat for us to maintain the tissues and organs rejuvenation process to keep going!

If we substitute our meals with only fruits, which it only provide less than 1 percent of the required protein and almost free of any fatty acids, this will cause the malnutrition!

Therefore, it is wise to have the healthy eating habits, where you’ve to mix the meals and fruits in the good and correct ratio. Having a healthy eating habits also mean a merrier lifestyle to you!

Do Mind About What You Are Eat, Especially You’re Under The Skin Whitening Process!

Most of the know what to eat for the skin whitening, especially those fruits that enriched with Vitamin C, such as the strawberries, tomatoes, guavas, kiwifruit, cherries, and so on.

However, do you know that some of things cannot be consumed too much, and you’ll get darker if you insist to do it!

Here is the list what you should do, if you want to have a great and silky white skin!
Don’t eat too much meat products
The two amino acids inside the meats, which are Tyrosine and amphetamine-acid, are to be known as the main ingredients of the creation for melanoma. The melanoma will turn your skin into a darker tone! Therefore, it’s wise to avoid the meat products.

The Carrots and Papayas Contains the High amount of β carotene
If you consumed too much of these two foods, especially you taking it in raw, your skin will turn into yellowish! Therefore, you just have taken it moderately and you should be all right.

Just remembered the above tips and you’ll surely have a white and healthy skin!

Different Fruits Mean Different Content of Vitamin C!

We all know that the fruits are rich in Vitamin C, but do you know that different types of fruits have different types of Vitamin C?

Below here is the calculation of Vitamin C in each 100 grams of fruits:

I only listed out those fruits that have the highest and the lowest quantity of Vitamin C here...
  1. Kiwi Fruits – 420 mg per 100 gram
  2. Fresh dates – 380 mg per 100 gram
  3. Strawberry – 80 mg per 100 gram
  4. Oranges – 49 mg per 100 gram
  5. Loquats – 36 mg per 100 gram
  6. Persimmons – 30 mg per 100 gram

Those fruits that have Vitamin C lower than 10 mg per 100 gram are:

  1. Bananas – 9.9 mg per 100 gram
  2. Peaches – 9.7 mg per 100 gram
  3. Grapes – 5 mg per 100 gram
  4. Apples – 4.8 mg per 100 gram
  5. Pears – 4 per mg per 100 gram

Therefore, if you want to take enough Vitamin C daily, you should consider those high Vitamin C fruits than the lower types.

Note: Picture credits goes to nlm.

Avoid the Aerosol Spray Cans From the Heat Exposure!

The general aerosol spray cans of insecticide contain of organic solvents, which are considered flammable and explosive chemicals. It’s always coupled with a certain pressure of the tank, improper storage of a great danger will.

Therefore, you’re been advised not to place this dangerous stuffs into the fire, or in high-temperature exposure and it’s permanently prohibited! Instead, you should put all the easily flammable and explosive chemicals in the good and proper ventilation place.

Remember; never ever try to acting smart by burning the abandoned pesticide cans, and this to avoid the unwanted incident to be happened.

You need to pay attention, when you’re dealing with the canned pesticides:

1. Don’t spray directly to the wire or power supply.
2. Avoid from spraying on the foods, clothing and utensils.
3. Do remember to close your aquarium tight, before you start the spraying.
4. Never eating or drinking while you’re in the spraying process.
5. Wash your hand with soap, after you’ve done with the spraying.
6. The Aerosol spray cans should be placed on the higher or safety places, where the children are unable to reach it.

PS: Please do take note about the above steps, as all of these are very important matters. I’m sure you don’t want to put your life on the risk that you cannot even afford it to be!

Note: Pciture credits goes to westminster.

Do Mind About The Temperature of Your Cooking Oil!

Hello to all my beloved readers, it is nice to see you again.

Did you still remember that a few days ago, I’ve been discussed about the benefits of using the olive oil? Well, for today, we will continue the topic and we will talk about “things you can and can’t do” when you’re using the cooking oil.

We’ve been told that it is good to cook by using cooking oil rather than the butter, however did you know that even some of the cooking oil cannot be reheated or overheated? The overheated oils will turn into a dangerous trans fats, and this trans fats has been known as the biggest threats and causes for the cardiovascular and heart related diseases.

Hold on a second, I kwew you’re asking here, “How can we determine, whether the cooking oil is overheated or not?” Well, there is a few simple ways to define the temperature of the cooking oil (Please keep the thermometer away, as we don’t even need it at this moment).

Do remember these two following important tips:

1. Never reheat your cooking oil for over several time, and
2. Never let the cooking oil becoming so hot until they start to smoke.

If you follows the above tips and apply it into your daily cooking, then it should be fine.

Also, you’re better using the vegetable oils than the animal oils, as these veggie oils are rich in polyunsaturated fat, where it’s a whole lot more easy for us to absorb.

The Truth of Ageing - Face it or Leave it, As This is The Cycle of Life! Part 6

Hello to all my beloved readers, thanks for continuously supporting willyoumind. My blog will be lonely and useless, without the companion from you all.

Welcome back, today we will keep unlocked the truth of ageing and those body parts that we want to discuss about are taste and smell, bladder, voice and liver.

Let’s cut the long story short, here we go…

Taste and smell (Starts ageing at 60)

When we get birth, there are about 10,000 taste buds that spread out on the tongue, however the amount of taste and smell begin to decline, after we turn 60. If you’re old enough to live until 90, the taste buds will only be the 1/3 of the amount when you’re in 30!

Bladder (It will start ageing at 65)

When you hit 65 or further, your bladder control will not listen to your order anymore. The bladder seems to contract suddenly, although it’s not full. The women have higher risk than the men in this bladder problem have, especially for those that after their menopause, where the tube becomes thinner and weaker. The bladder capacity is about half of a younger people, where it’s about one cup in a 65-year-old and two cups in a 30-year-old!

Voice (It starts to ageing at 65)

Believe it or not, our voice also facing the ageing process, which it will become hoarser over the age. It is because the soft tissues in the larynx has became weakened when we ageing. Thus, it will affect the pitch and loudness of the voice. The common voice changes after 65 are women’s voice might become lower in pitch; while the men’s voice will turn into higher pitch.

Liver (The ageing process starts at 70)

The liver seems to has strongest resistant against the ageing process, as its cells have an extraordinary ability to regenerate again. Do you know, if we remove half a liver away during the surgery, and it will rapidly grow to the ordinary size within few months! Hence, the liver is the last frontier of the human body parts to have the least and smallest ageing problem of all.

After a long six chapters about the truth of ageing, hopefully you all will benefit from the articles and learn how to take good care of your body. Love your body like the way you loving your family and friends!

The Truth of Ageing - Face it or Leave it, As This is The Cycle of Life! Part 5

Welcome to the Truth of Ageing - Part 5, and hope that you won't get bored and will still enjoy unravel the truth of ageing. Today, we will discuss another four body parts, and there are kidney, prostate, hearing, gut.

Kidney (Starts ageing at 50)

As we get older, the number of filtering units or scientifically known as "nephrons", which responsible to remove the body waste from the bloodstream starts to reduce, especially when we all in our middle age. Hence, the elders will need to wake up several times, and busy keep rushing to the bathroom in the middle of night.

For your information, when you are in your 75, the kidneys can only filter half of the amount of blood, which a 30-year-old's will! Therefore, you need to take good care of your kidneys.

Prostate (The ageing process starts at 50)

The benign prostatic hyperplasia, which the prostate had become enlarged with ageing; is the most common problem that affects the men over 50. The main cause for this benign prostatic hyperplasia is the prostate consequently absorbs large amounts of the testosterone, which it quickened the prostate's cells growing rate.

The walnut's size of prostate, can grow into the size of tangerine if it receives too much of testosterone!

Hearing (It will start ageing at 55)

According to the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, there are more than 50% of people, which aged over 60 lose their hearing permanently! This condition, where known as "presbycusis" happens because the gradually loss of "hair cells" (Attention, this "hair cells" doesn't have any relation with our hair!). This "hair cells" is a very tiny sensory cells in the inner ear, and its main duty is to pick up sound vibrations, transform the sound vibrations in the fluids of cochlea and finally will send it to our brain.

Gut (It starts to ageing at 55)

Your gut is in the top performance, where its most active in your childhood and it will drop tremendously after you have reached 55. Thus, we all will suffer from the poor digestion and the rate of getting gut disease also increase drastically. In addition, the constipation problem is happens more frequently, as the digestive process has slows down, from the stomach to the small intestine.

To be continued - Part 6 (The finale part...)

The Truth of Ageing – Face it or Leave it, As This is The Cycle of Life! Part 4

Nice to see you all again, let us cut the long story short and we are going straight to the points today. The three main characters for today will be the Heart, eyes, and teeth!

Heart (The ageing process starts around 40 or younger)

The heart, one of the most important organ and the only organ that cannot have a good rest (Poor little Heart, you should thanks him/her for doing such an excellent job). However, the heart pumps blood less effectively all around the body when we get older. Our blood vessels become less elastic and the arteries become harden or even get blocked, thanks to the fatty acid that stuck and forming on the coronary arteries (You’d better reduce the oil/fat intake amount, if you do love your Heart). According to the recent study, those men over 45 and women over 55 are at the high risk of a heart attack, compared with others.

Eyes (It starts deteriorate and ageing at 40)

When we get older, the eye’s ability to focus will begin to decrease, since the eye’s muscles become weaker. Thus, most of the people over 40s must need a accompany – a pair of glasses, which to overcome the long-sightedness problem. Some of them might having cataract and need to undergoing an operation too!

Teeth (It starts ageing at 40)

Less saliva produces as we getting older, where this is a bad sign. For your information, the saliva is the chemical that washes away 90% of our mouth daily bacteria. If the amount of saliva become lesser, then your teeth and gums are easier to decay! As a result, the receding gums are the common oral disease for those adults over 40.

The Truth of Ageing – Face it or Leave it, As This is The Cycle of Life! Part 3

Hey guys, thanks for keeps coming again and again to my blog. As usual, today we will continue the body ageing problems, and the topics that we about to discuss are: Breasts, bones and fertility!

Are you ready for it? Then, let's the journey rolls on...

Breasts (Most of the women's breasts start ageing at 35)

When women reach their mid-30s, their breasts will constantly losing tissue and fat, hence the size and fullness will reduce accordingly as well. In other hands, the research show up that breast cancer risk did increase with age, but it's not fully related with the physical changes in the breast. The main reason of the breast cancer is causing by the mutant cells inside the women's breast!

Bones (The ageing process starts at 35)

Did you know that throughout our life, the old bones are broken down by cells called "Osteoclasts" and rapidly replaced by bone-building cells named "Osteoblasts"?

The growing rate of children's bone is more rapid than the adults.

The bones start to lose its density at 35, there is why so many elders having the Osteoporosis problem when they reach 50 or above (Ok, it's time to drink a cup of Anlene, which is help to maintain

By the age of 80, we lose at least two to three inches, and this thanks to the shrinking in size and density of bones!

Fertility (Start ageing at 35)

When a woman reaches her 35, the number and quality of eggs in the ovaries will start to decrease like a speed of rocket! The eggs will also becoming less fertile and the chances of miscarriage are increase as well.

The men will also facing the fertility problem that women did. The doctors have discovered that the quality and quantity of sperm starts to drop drastically by 35. When a man reaches his 45, there will be 2/3 chances, where the pregnancies ended up with miscarriage!

The Truth of Ageing – Face it or Leave it, As This is The Cycle of Life! Part 2

Ok, Three days ago we've talked about the ageing of brain, lung and skin. Today, we will continue with the ageing problem (Hope this will not scare you off) and we start with the hair.

Hair (The ageing will start at 30)

The hair loss is a common issue, especially the male hair loss that normally begins in the 30s. For your information, a hair usually grows from each follicle for about three years, then it will shed and replace with a new hair grows. If a person having male-pattern baldness, this can be a serious matter as it will eventually causing the hair follicle to shrink and in the end, no hair will be grown out at all!

Grey hair, this is caused by the inactive of Melanocytes, which is a colored pigment produced by cells in the hair follicle. That is why, when we become older, less pigment is produced and which means, the grey hair will grow out as a results.

Muscles (The muscle ageing will start at 30)

Muscles are continuously being built up and broken down each year. By the time we're reached 30, the breakdown process seems to be more rapid than the buildup. Moreover, when the adult reach his/her 40, they will start to lose between 0.5 and 2 percent of their muscle each year! Doctor advised us to do regular exercises to prevent this problem.

The Truth of Ageing – Face it or Leave it, As This is The Cycle of Life! Part 1

Since the first day we first born, we have had signed a white and black contract with another agent, “The death”. Therefore, your body organs will starts ageing soon, just after the age of 20!

Today, I will unravel the mysteries of the body ageing process and we start with our main body organ: the Brain.

1. Brain (The earliest of all, which it starts ageing at 20)

For your information, when you still a baby you have around 100 billion of nerve cells and this number starts to reduce in your 20s. When you reached 40, you will probably losing up to 10,000 nerve cells per day!

Note: Nerve cells, or also known as “neurons” are important, as without them, you’ll have a greatest risk of having the Alzheimer’s disease!

2. Lungs (Almost the same as the brain was, it starts ageing at around 20)

Your lung capacity will slowly to reduce starting from the age of 20. When we aged 30, we're still able to inhale averagely two pints of air with just a single breath; however, it’s drastically down to one or even less when you’re in 70!

3. Skin (It starts ageing at the mid-20s)

As the chain reaction with the brain, the skin seems starts to age eventually in your mid-20s. The main reason is your dead skin cells don’t shed in a rapid speed, which this causes the new skin cells may decrease slowly. As a result, the fine wrinkles and thin transparent skin will be appeared and formed immediately or sooner at your mid-30s (Yeah, it's time for the skin care products, which it will become the rescuer for this wrinkles, black spots

Ringtones – The Alternative Curer for the Depression and Stress Problems!

Living in the era, which full of competitions, we all will feeling tired and frustrated about it. If you cannot handle the frustration or stress with an effective method, then you might be having the greater risk of getting the depression or melancholia!

Ok, you must be wondered, “Is there any efficient ways to get me out of the unceasingly frustration/stress condition for good?” Well, different types of person will have to use different types of relaxation methods. For instance, few of my former college friends used to download some pop, country and chants ringtones, and they will using these ringtones as the “anti stress” tools!

I asked them, did this method really help they expel the stress? The answer I got from them were, “Well, it all depends on your believe with the method you’re using now; if you’re currently using the method, but still have lots of doubtful about it, then what is the point?”

I totally agreed of the answer that they gave me here…

Being one of those that have much of passion in the music and lyrics, I have listened over tons of songs and even composed a few song lyrics by my own. I do believe that the ringtones can be an alternative curer for the frustration/stress, especially if you’re downloading those inspiring ringtones, such as the “Like the Sun” by Ryan Dan, Anya songs, Sarah Brightman songs and much more. Their songs are brilliant and would be an effective “anti stress” method for all the people that love listening songs.

The Miracle Cooking Oil - Olive Oil

Many of us love to use the Olive oil as the home cooking oil...

Well, if you're one of the person that have this type of habit..., Congratulation as you've made the right decision, by chosen the most supreme cooking oil of all...

Some of the benefits of using the olive oil as daily cooking oil are:

  1. It can prevent the cardio vascular related diseases
  2. It helps to control the diabetic's blood sugar level onto a more balanced level
  3. It will be an excellent cancer fighters, which mostly caused by the free radicals
  4. Its also helps to prevent the Alzheimer's disease

In addtion, olive oils also can be used as the skin regenerator, where it can be applied on the seriously burn wounds. The miracle is the users won't get any hideous scars after using the olive oil. Isn't this simply a miracle oil as I told you here?

Note: Photo credit goes to Napa Valley.

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