The Truth of Ageing - Face it or Leave it, As This is The Cycle of Life! Part 5

Welcome to the Truth of Ageing - Part 5, and hope that you won't get bored and will still enjoy unravel the truth of ageing. Today, we will discuss another four body parts, and there are kidney, prostate, hearing, gut.

Kidney (Starts ageing at 50)

As we get older, the number of filtering units or scientifically known as "nephrons", which responsible to remove the body waste from the bloodstream starts to reduce, especially when we all in our middle age. Hence, the elders will need to wake up several times, and busy keep rushing to the bathroom in the middle of night.

For your information, when you are in your 75, the kidneys can only filter half of the amount of blood, which a 30-year-old's will! Therefore, you need to take good care of your kidneys.

Prostate (The ageing process starts at 50)

The benign prostatic hyperplasia, which the prostate had become enlarged with ageing; is the most common problem that affects the men over 50. The main cause for this benign prostatic hyperplasia is the prostate consequently absorbs large amounts of the testosterone, which it quickened the prostate's cells growing rate.

The walnut's size of prostate, can grow into the size of tangerine if it receives too much of testosterone!

Hearing (It will start ageing at 55)

According to the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, there are more than 50% of people, which aged over 60 lose their hearing permanently! This condition, where known as "presbycusis" happens because the gradually loss of "hair cells" (Attention, this "hair cells" doesn't have any relation with our hair!). This "hair cells" is a very tiny sensory cells in the inner ear, and its main duty is to pick up sound vibrations, transform the sound vibrations in the fluids of cochlea and finally will send it to our brain.

Gut (It starts to ageing at 55)

Your gut is in the top performance, where its most active in your childhood and it will drop tremendously after you have reached 55. Thus, we all will suffer from the poor digestion and the rate of getting gut disease also increase drastically. In addition, the constipation problem is happens more frequently, as the digestive process has slows down, from the stomach to the small intestine.

To be continued - Part 6 (The finale part...)


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