The general aerosol spray cans of insecticide contain of organic solvents, which are considered flammable and explosive chemicals. It’s always coupled with a certain pressure of the tank, improper storage of a great danger will.
Therefore, you’re been advised not to place this dangerous stuffs into the fire, or in high-temperature exposure and it’s permanently prohibited! Instead, you should put all the easily flammable and explosive chemicals in the good and proper ventilation place.Remember; never ever try to acting smart by burning the abandoned pesticide cans, and this to avoid the unwanted incident to be happened.
You need to pay attention, when you’re dealing with the canned pesticides:
1. Don’t spray directly to the wire or power supply.
2. Avoid from spraying on the foods, clothing and utensils.
3. Do remember to close your aquarium tight, before you start the spraying.
4. Never eating or drinking while you’re in the spraying process.
5. Wash your hand with soap, after you’ve done with the spraying.
6. The Aerosol spray cans should be placed on the higher or safety places, where the children are unable to reach it.
PS: Please do take note about the above steps, as all of these are very important matters. I’m sure you don’t want to put your life on the risk that you cannot even afford it to be!
Note: Pciture credits goes to westminster.
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