Showing posts with label Daily Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Tips. Show all posts

Can Pumpkin Extract Really Heal Diabetes?

As a diabetic, I always trying my best to find the useful solution to overcome and control my high blood sugar level. I’ve tried many different types of foods and treatments before.

Recently, I found out that Asian pumpkin extract might help control type 1 diabetes, where is protect those pancreatic cells from the ravages of type 1 diabetes.

Believe it or not, the pumpkin extract claimed to revive diabetes-damaged pancreatic cells.

If you’re a diabetic like me, then it’s time to say goodbye to the artificial insulin and have a more healthy lifestyle with the pumpkin extract!

Note: Picture thanks to go-less.

Bottled Fruit Juices Are Not The Best Option For Children!

According to the latest scientific research, the nutritionists and scientists have discovered that children will have malnutrition problem, if they’re drinking too much of bottled fruit juices!

Most of the bottled fruit juices are lack of protein, minerals, fiber, Vitamin C, but contains a lot of carbohydrates and sugar. If the children intake it in a long period, then it might lead to the following symptoms:

1. Diarrhea,
2. Abdominal pain,
3. Abdominal distention,
4. Gastrectasia,
5. Gastroenteritis.

In fact, most bottled fruit juices are not 100% pure fruit juice at all, where is not even the top choice for the youngster.

To all beloved parents, you should not give any bottled fruit juices to your child who below 12-month-old. For those 1 – 6 years old children, you can give a small amount of 150 grams of fresh fruit juice (not the bottled fruit juices) daily.

Beware of The Germs That Hide inside the Overnight Water!

Most people are accustomed to brush teeth, wash faces, cooking or even drink the water directly from the tap. However, according to the latest study, the overnight tap has the big possibility of harboring a bacterium called “Legionella” (Yeah, it has the same name as the “Legion”, where it also known as the Gerasene Demon!)

If a person is infected with the Legionella Pneumophila bacteria, he/she will have a symptom similar to “pneumonia disease”. Most of the doctors often treat it as a pneumonia treatment, where it later found invalid in the end!

The patients will have these types of symptoms:

1. Chest pain;
2. Lethargy;
3. Irritability;
4. Depression;
5. Delirium Fuzzy;
6. Disorientation;
7. Central Nervous system symptoms;
8. Diarrhea;
9. Abdominal pain;
10. Nausea;
11. Vomiting;
12. Gastrointestinal diseases or even
13. Death!

For the precaution, you should screw the tap and let the water running through the tap in the early morning for at least 2 minutes (You can use the water for the toilet flushing purpose!), before you use the tap water!

You Shouldn’t Fasting Even You’re Having Diarrhea!

Some of the people prefer not to eat any foods during diarrhea and they thought it’s a good way to prevent the diarrhea. However, they’ve done the wrong things!

During the diarrhea, you should drink some diluted milk or some porridge to replace the ordinary meals. This method is to reduce the burden of gastrointestinal and provide the essential water that has been loss from your body due to the diarrhea.

Do you know that the diluted milk and porridge will form a protective shield and it can reduce the absorption of bacterial toxins. That is why for those that having diarrhea, you should intake the meals ordinary, instead of fasting!

You Should Stop to Breastfeed Your Baby On the Right Time!

Most of the surveys and researches have proofed that mother’s milk is the best nutrient for the newborn baby. However, for those 10 months old babies, the mother’s breast milk cannot be longer meet their nutritional requirements.

As the mother, you should reduce the frequency of breastfeed your child when they’re about 8 months old, and totally stop the action around 10 months old.

Remember that the weaning process is necessary and you should do it in the appropriate time and place.

Note: Picture credits goes to irishhealth.

You Should Eat More Fruits and Vegetables After The Postpartum!

According to the survey, it’s better to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, especially for those women that just having their delivery.

The fruits and vegetables are enriched with vitamins, textured vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, calcium, iron, iodine etc., and are necessary for the women to receive a large number of compressive nutrition.

Beside of eating fruits and vegetables, you also need to do more exercises to keep your body slimming down after the postnatal. If you’re too lazy to do any exercises, then you’re better prepared to become an overweight person…

What You Should Know about Confinement after Childbirth!

I’ve some friends from Asia and they seem to have a treatment after the childbirth, which know as “Confinement or Postpartum care.” Actually, I found that this is a very interesting topic…

From what I heard that during the confinement, the woman is disallowed to have even a single bath, as they think it will affect the woman’s health condition! Honestly, I thought it’s better to have some bath as soon as possible, as there are millions of germs will stick on our skin, if we didn’t bath for one day.

Well, I didn’t mean to against the culture, but I think no matter what you’re trying to do here, please remember to put the hygiene in the first place!

Try Not to Embrace Your Baby Too Often!

For those parents that love to embrace the sleeping child, you should stop this bad habit!

First and foremost, the child that being embraced will have the difficulty breathe of fresh air. In addition, once the child woke up, he/she will cry for the milk feeding and this can be a very bad habit to the child.

After the baby was born, it’s better to encourage the baby to sleep alone. Even those newborn babies should not be sleeping with his mother too!

According to the U.S. survey data, it shown that by let the baby sleeping alone; it can reduce up to 60% of sudden death. The more interesting is if the baby is sleeping too close with mother, he/she will have the chance being affected with a psychological disease, “Oedipus” which is not good for the child’s long term development!

To All Mother: You Should Choose the Infant Milk Carefully!

Some women that undergoing the postnatal stage, usually don’t want to feed their child with the breast milk and they replace it with the fresh dairy milk.

If you’re one of them, then you should know that the fresh milk contains too much protein and phosphorus, but lack in iron and folic acid. This will lead to the indigestion or the deficiency of iron and folic acid to the baby.

Instead of feeding the infant fresh milk, you’re better choose the baby infant formula milk, which is based on the ration of physical characteristics. It is more easily to be digested and absorbed by the baby!

Also, up to 80% of the newborn babies are totally allergic to the fresh milk protein and they’ll having diarrhea, slowly weight gaining problem or even abdominal pain if you’re insist to feed the baby with fresh milk.

Pregnant Women Shouldn’t Eat Too Many Eggs!

Medical research discovered that excessive protein intake would increase the burden on the kidneys. As a result, the pregnant women are being advised not to intake too many eggs, especially during the birth delivery. It is because this will decrease the detoxification function of the liver and causing too much burden to the kidney. It will lead to adverse consequences if the pregnant women insist to do it!

Beside that, too much of protein intake will produce a large amount of ammonia, hydroxyl and phenol, where these chemicals are mostly poison to human body. If you’ve been poisoned by the protein, you’ll having the nausea, dizziness, limb weakness or even coma! The modern medicine named these symptoms as “Protein Poisoning Symptoms!”

Therefore, you should always watched out with the protein intake and never overdone it. For the normal circumstances, one to two eggs per day is more than enough for the pregnant women!

Mind About the Soup’s Boiling Time!

Some people said that the longer the soup is being boiled, the more nutritious it would be! Ok, it’s only the general idea from the public. The even worst thing is most of us were totally wrong on about it!

According to the latest studies, the time is not the main factor where the soup will become more nutritious, instead the longer the soup is being boiled, and then the higher chances all the vitamins that contain inside the vegetables or poultry will be destroyed!

Hence, remember not to boil the soup for too long, if you want to keep all the nutrition in the soup. A suggestion here: The normal ABC soup is ready to reserve, after you’ve boiled it for about 2 hours!

Maintain Your Cholesterol in Healthy Level!

Many people are worried that high cholesterol can harm their health, but they don’t know if the cholesterol level is too low, it can also lead to a series of adverse consequences too!

For your information, the cholesterol in human body is being produced from these two ways:

Firstly, it absorbs all the animal or vegetable fats from what we have eaten. It can absorb about 30% of the fat from the foods!
Secondly, there is about 1 gram of cholesterol being synthesized from the liver each day.

Cholesterol can play a very important role in our body. It’s the essential parts for brain, hearth, liver, kidney and other internal organs. Cholesterol is the main component of sex hormones and adrenal hormones, where these hormones cannot be separated from the metabolism of cholesterol.

According to the scientists, low cholesterol can be induced stroke, heart diseases and even different types of cancers!

Color will affect Your Children’s Health!

Most parents love to decorate their newborn baby’s room with the vibrant and colorful decorations, but they didn’t know that this will put the child’s health into the risk!

Do you know that most of the beautiful strong colorful toys are normally contain high amount of metal lead. When the beautiful colors start to fall off from the object itself, it will have the harmful effects on the baby.

The best recommendation of the toys should be those that washable and the lighter the color the better. In addition, you must remember to disinfect the children’s toys on a regular basis to keep away all those harmful germs.

Useful Tips for Pregnancy Women Part 2: Remember Not To Intake The Brown Sugar Excessively!

Some of the physicians and dietary experts thought that it’s a healthy way to substitute the refined coarse sugar with natural brown sugar, as it has more zinc, calcium and other minerals than the ordinary sugar does!

Although brown sugar is very good for our health, but it will has a side effect, especially for those women that just finished their post-natal stage. According to the medical research, brown sugar containing an active substance that can enhance blood circulation, which it’s a very dangerous material that can easily cause vaginal bleeding and some other adverse consequences!

Therefore, those women are being advised not to intake brown sugar during their post-natal stage to prevent unpredictable events happening to them.

Useful Tips for Pregnancy Women Part 1: Careful with What You’re About to Eat Here!

Most of the pregnancy women will get very excited when they found out that they’re pregnant for the very first time…

Yep, you’re supposed to be happy with it, as it’s great and joyful news after all. However, do you know that there is over 15.8% of pregnancy women having miscarriage and it’s mostly their very first pregnant!

As a result, it’s your own responsibility to take a good care of yourself and your baby inside your uterus. I knew that many pregnant women were suddenly changed their eating habits during their pregnancy and it’s a common scene.

However, no matter how big the changes were, remember not to eat the raw foods! Most of us already shocked with all those diseases, which are causing by consuming the food in raw, such as raw tomatoes might contain the salmonella sp. That will lead to typhoid fever, diarrhea and food poisoning or even fatigue! What is going to happen to your and your baby, if you mistaken this foods?

For ensure the safety, you have to cook the foods accordingly and never ever tried to consume the raw foods. If you insist to eat it, then take it with your on risk!

Your Body Type Determine Your Healthy Condition

Most of the people thought the slimmer the body was, then the better the health of that person.

Beep, you’re totally wrong about it! lol

Do you know that if you’re too skinny, you not only looks older than other people that same age with you, but you’ll also having the risk of being infected by other chronicle disease, due to your weak and deficiency immunity?

Below here is my healthy life “must do list”:

  1. Eat according to the USDA recommendation;
  2. Do exercises regularly, at least 10 minutes per day;
  3. Drinking 2 cup of green tea;
  4. Sleep at least 7-8 hours per day; and
  5. Don’t forget to smile everyday!

Therefore, it’s better to have a normal body shape, as you’ll have a strong resistance to the diseases, and you look much younger and healthier than other does!

Too Hot and Too Spicy is Bad For Your Health!

Different types of people have different favor. Some of the people loved sweet foods, while some of them liked hot and spicy delicacies! Those foods or vegetables that considering as spicy food are chili, pepper, cinnamon, onion, shallot, ginger, turmeric, garlic, etc.

According to the Yoga theory, if someone adding too much of pepper or chilies into the foods, those people that consuming the food will become hot-tempered, lack of patience and maybe even suffer from great physical and mental pressure too!

Furthermore, hot and spicy foods contain many Capsaicins and it will hurt the stomach wall, and may causing cramps or gastric or duodenal ulcer! If you’re one of people that having Nephritis or constipation, then you should never consumed any hot and spicy foods!

The Truth Fact of Miscarriage!

First of all, miscarriage is a very difficult and sadness situation, where it will leave a deep impact in both physically and mentally to the pregnancy woman, especially if the woman carrying her first baby!

Most of the doctors will recommend the women to rest at least 3-6 months before the next pregnancy to prevent miscarriage from happening again.

Basically, this is a very good suggestion, as it not only can give much more time to the endometrial tissue inside the uterus to reconstruct again, but it will also let the woman to forget about the sorrow of losing their stillbirth baby!

When you’re on the pregnancy stage, remember not to overdo those heavy workloads, as it will have a great effect on the baby or even lead to the miscarriage too. Your main duty as a pregnancy mother is having more rest, doing some light exercises, and eating nutritious foods everyday!

As long as you keep trying, you and your loved one will be blessed with a healthy baby in near future…

The Soy Will Help To Reduce The Risk of Breast Cancer!

Do you always consuming a lot of soy milk or soy related products frequently? If you did, then I have to congratulate you, as you will have the chance to reduce the risk of having breast cancer!

According to the Singapore latest medical research, if you’re intake more than 10.6 milligrams of soy Isoflavone every day, then it will decrease the chance of breast cancer happening.

Therefore, if you want to prevent the breast cancer, then you should drink at least 250 ml of soy milk three times a week.

By the way, if you’re having the acid uric problem, then you’re advised not to consume any soy related products, as the phtyoestrogens inside the soy will become a burden to your health!

The Most Healthy and Nutritious Juice For The Elders!

Most dietitians were suggested that it’s better giving the elderly a more mild and healthy vegetable juices.

They also pointed out that it’s better to consume the fruits than drink it, as the raw fruits have more 50% more cellulose than the fruit juices. The only matter is the elderly don’t have any teeth to eat vegetables and fruits, thus it’s better to prepare it in a juice form!

If your parent loved the taste of cranberry, then you should let them drink the cranberries juice, as it is a natural antibiotic, where it can be reduced the chance of urinary tract infection.

Here are the three healthy natural health drinks that suitable for all people:

Beet + tomato + carrot
Benefits: It will help to boost up the calcium and iron in our body.

Papaya + carrot + apple
Benefits: It can help to enhance our physical strength, great for eyesight and digestion too.

Banana + papaya + apple
Benefits: Help you to overcome the constipation!

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