Prevent Drinking Tea After a Heavy Drinking

Many will have the common knowledge, which it is good to drink a cup a tea after all night long of heavy drinking. We all think that the tea can help refreshing the drunker from the drunken situation. However, this is not the fact we thought.

Did you know? A cup of tea after drinking large amount of alcohol drinks, will put your kidney in a great risk of damage?

When the alcohol entering the liver system, it will automatically degenerate into H2O and CO2 in fraction, 3:2. Then, it will going through the kidney for the ultra filtration process and will finally dispel out from the bladder. However, the methylxanthines component that contain inside the tea will speed out those acetaldehyde that haven't degenerate yet into the kidney. This acetaldehyde will causing a big damage to kidney, where sometimes can be lethal as well.

Thus, is it better to have a cup of fruity juice after drinking, as this not only can soothe the thirst, but also can become a refreshment drink too.


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