Healthy Living Tips Part 1

Healthy Living Tips Part 1 Tips No.1 Apples Are Your Best Pals to Prevent Multiple Cancers Do you know, that apples are rich in Vitamin A, B6 and C? It is the best source to prevent the risk of getting    multiple types of cancers, such as: Colon cancer; Lung cancer;  Prostate cancer etc.  Tips No.2 The Effective Protection Against Dangerous Viruses  Your immune system is your biggest defender to every different types of viruses. A weaker immune system is equal to weaker goalkeeper's defense! But, how to enhance our immune system to the optimum level? Here are the best 5 easy ways to do so: Have enough sleep every day - Well, it doesn't mean that you need to sleep at least 8 hours per day! You should...

5 Superb Ways to Prolong Your Life Span

You’re too busy to maintain a healthy daily routine? Yeah, it’s always a good excuse, but please remember one important thing here… Your health is your wealth! Without a proper healthy body and mind, don’t even think of chasing the wheel of fortune, as you don’t even have the require strength to do so! Below here are the 8 simple yet effective ways to help you keep your health and mind in good shape: Method No.1 Protein is Your Best Buddy for Your Breakfast Why? Our brains need lots of protein, especially during the morning time. Hence, it’s always good to add 10~15 grams of protein (Two egg whites might be barely enough) into your breakfast’s list! Method No.2 An Hour of Walk A Day, Makes You Feel Energetic All Day Most people...

Too Much of Trace Elements Are Bad For Health!

Nowadays, many people are beginning to know the benefit of trace elements to our body’s health. Some of them had started to intake many foods that contain high amount of trace elements. However, according to the national medical research, they discovered that we should intake the trace elements moderately. Let’s take an example. The bottled mineral water contains a variety of useful material to the human body. If you’re drinking too much of mineral water, it might have the side effects to our body, such as imbalanced secretion of gastric juice and gastric digestion. In addition, those patients with chronic nephritis, hypertension, heart disease and edema are advised not to drink mineral water, as the trace elements inside the mineral water are bad for their health condition! Furthermore, those...

The Moments Where You Should not Laugh Loudly!

People always said, “Laughter is the best medicine!” Believe it or not, there’s a laughing club in India, where the members are practicing differences laughing ways. They claimed that different laughing style can be used to cure the disease, included the cancer! No matter it’s truth or not, laugh can really ease our stress and make we feel better. However, there’s the condition, where you shouldn’t laugh in these circumstances: When you’re feeding your child with food, you shouldn’t do it. As the food inside your child’s mouth might lead to unexpected incidents, such as suffocate or brain hemorrhage. People after surgery are not allowed to laugh too much, as it slow down the wound healing process! Those Hernia patients are not...

Taking Medicines with Milk is not a Wise Idea!

Ok, I knew some people have this weird concept. They thought it’s good to take medicines with milk! According to the latest analysis, if a person takes medicine with milk, it significantly reduces the body absorption rate of medicine, maybe up to 50 percent or more! Believe it or not, some medicines will turn into poison, if you takes it with milk! Thus, it’s better for you not to drink any milk products while you’re taking the medicines. Take my advice and you’ll be fined…...

It’s Better Not to Use Too Much Fabric Plasters!

Normally, what will you do, if you get a cut or scrape accidentally? Well, in this case, most people will probably apply the fabric plaster on the wound! We’ve done the wrong thing here, as the wounds supposed to be exposed to the air in order to heal faster. Of course, you have to apply the anti-inflammatory Methylrosanilinium Chloride Solution onto the wounds, as it inhibits the wounds from getting inflamed. You’re advised not to use the fabric plaster, especially if you’ve a large scrape wound. For your information, most of the fabric plasters have poor ventilation and water absorption. If you insist to use it, it might cause infection or even lead to ulcers! Note: No Fabric Plaster's photo thanks to publicpho...

Do Mind About Your Annual Medical Checkup!

Did you know that up to 80 percent of the diseases are preventable and curable, if we can detect it in the early stage? The only problem is many people always neglected the annual body check, where they think it won’t be necessary to go for a medical checkup once per year! No matter you’re sick or not, it’s essential to go for a medical checkup annually. Youngsters should be taken the medical checkup at least once per year, while the elders should perform it every six months. Most of the medical checkups are mainly focus on blood pressure, electrocardiogram, pulmonary perspective, blood lipids, blood glucose, hepatitis virus, uric acid and much more. Like the old saying, “A body test per year, keeps the disease awa...

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