Hi to all beloved raeders...
For your all information, Blogengage site owner, Brian only created the HTML code for the WP plugin External Voted Button. But, how about those that using the blogspot users? Did you guys facing any problem when you adding the WP code into your blogspot HTML layout?
Well, I'm also having the difficulty when I'm first adding the WP into my blogspot, but after two times of HTML modification, I'm finally figured out the ways to add the code perfectly into it...
If you don't mind, you can follow my steps here:
1. Login to your blogger account (No matter you a old version or beta version user, omg...am I bluffing...LOl)
2. After login to the dashboard, click on the "Layout" link.
3. Then, when you at the layout page, click the "Edit HTML" link.
4. Now, you should be arrived at the "Edit Template" page, don't forget to tick the "Expand Widget Templates" at your right hand side.
5. This is the main point, so pay attention here. After ticking the "Expand widget Templates", you need to find this in the HTML code: div class='post-body'
6.Ok, if you found the above code, congrats to you. But, is not ended yet. You need to put this below code, before the div class='post-body':
- Code: Select all (Note: I cannot post the Code here, if you want to find the code, please click on the link, thank you!)
7. Have you done it? Ok, after you added all of the code, you are almost done...Wait, did you forget about something? You haven't click the "Save Template" button yet. Click it now before is too late...LOl

Have fun.
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