Most people think that sugar is the main cause of leading to the diabetes. Well, to be honest, the main reason why a person can turn into a diabetic is the relatively lack of insulin. Once it happened, the person’s body is unable to decompose the sugar that he/she taking into the digestive system! The blood sugar level is going to rising and that’s the way how a person is determine as a diabetic.
However, it doesn’t mean that the diabetics are not allow to intake any foods at all, as they still need energy to do the daily task. After all, a severe low blood sugar might affect the brain’s function too!
Hence, the diabetics should intake more vegetables, fruits and coarse grains, as these types of foods are great to the restoration of pancreas!
Low sugar diets can only help especially a diabetic!
Well, Linda. You still can intake the low sugar diets, even though you're not a diabetic. After all, it's good for a healthier lifestyle!
Good post. I've heard that avoiding artificial sugars and hyrdogenated oils can also help diabetics (I've read some research that suggests hydrogenated oils/bat trans fats increase the liklihood of someone becoming a type-2 diabetic.)
Positively, Rob. It seems that you've some decent knowledge about the diabetes. It's good to know it, as it will prevent us from taking too much sugar in our daily dietary!
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