Just Put Your Vegetables and Fruits Straight Into The Refrigerator!

You have bought a large amount of vegetables and fruits from the market, now you’re preparing to wash all the foods, before you’re putting it into the refrigerator?

Ok, you should better save up the water and leave the fruits/vegetables alone. For your information, most fruits/vegetables have a waxing layer, where is can prevent violations of bacteria. Most bacteria, especially those “superbugs” cannot be killed in low temperature and it easily becomes a suitable breeding ground for bacteria!

You might be able to remove the dirt and most bacteria, after you’ve washing the fruits/vegetables. However, the cleaning step might have damaged the fruits/vegetables’ wax surfaces. It can be opened up the door for the harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella sp. to inhabit on the foods!

As a result, you might have greater chance of being infected by numerous types of diseases, if you’re consuming the raw fruits/vegetables.


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